Sign up
Create an account on our security platform.
We protect your devices, data, privacy, and network. Employee education and NIS2 compliance are also integrated — one platform, no hidden fees.
Without credit card
Create an account on our security platform.
We support Windows, Windows Server, Android, iOS and iPadOS.
From now on, you and your entire digital environment are safe!
No hidden payments. No extra configurations. Everything works right out of the box. This is the philosophy of our solution.
Impenetrable Shield of Your Devices
With our desktop, server and mobile applications, you can secure all your devices and networks against cyber threats. Be protected whether you are at work, at home, or on the go.
Guardian of Your Network
We automatically verify the security of any network your devices connect to. We check various network settings such as VPN, Proxy, and DNS, as well as verify traffic filtering capabilities and the configuration of your network firewall to ensure your connection is always secure. Moreover, we will provide you with automatic scans of open ports on your networks and also with scans of other devices connected to your network, showing you the complete asset list. Our Safe Surfing technology ensures your secure navigation in the online environment.
Alert System for OS Updates
Always have your devices updated and stay safe. Our apps monitor your OS version and alert you when updates are available, keeping your device secure against new threats.
Preventing Misuse in Case of Theft
We ensure the physical security of your devices by verifying the use of screen locks such as access codes, Touch ID, Face ID, and more. Potential thieves will thus have no chance of accessing your data.
Monitoring Invasive Apps
On Android devices, we check if any installed apps are trying to collect your personal data. For both platforms, Android and iOS, we offer the option to perform a deep scan of any app.
Guarding Against Data Leaks
Daily, we check if any data linked to your email address has leaked online. In case of a leak, we immediately notify you.
Educating About Security
Your employees can pose a high security risk. We take care of effective training and implementation of security measures, helping you avoid potential data leaks or system breaches. Phishing simulations are also included in our platform. And it works right out of the box.
Informing About Threats
We will regularly inform your users about threats via push notifications sent to their devices.
Without Infringing on Your Privacy
We are not an MDM solution, which means we do not access your private data. Your security and privacy are our top priorities.
Overview of Your Devices
Have a comprehensive overview of all your devices and networks, their security, and potential threats. All clearly and simply from a web application.